But Did You Die?

I'm sure that at least one time in your life, you have experienced being wronged. I mean REALLY being wronged. You feel that the person somehow should pay for what they’ve done or AT THE VERY LEAST apologize for it. Right? Well if you haven't, I have! I was recently asked how did I get past the feeling of "YOU MUST PAY"! Now let me be transparent. I definitely went through moments of thinking of ways they should pay and the satisfaction I would get out of it. I questioned God. "Why do they get to go on with their lives? Why do they get to prosper after doing this to me? Why do they get to...blah blah blah?" I expressed that I didn't think it was fair. After all, I was hurt, talked about, embarrassed, felt like a failure, etc. Eventually, God said, " I know how this made you feel but you survived". At first, I felt "Really God? But I survive? Yeah, Barely sir" After some prayer, ok a great deal of prayer, I realize that I was lo...