Get Your Eyes Checked

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2 NIV).
This was my morning scripture. I've read it for years and thought I had a pretty good handle on it but after my journey this past year with dealing with depression, I have an even better understanding. See, here's the thing. Depression starts and stays in the mind. It wasn't until I got help and got centered in Christ that I was able to start the healing process. I changed my focus (granted it continues to be an internal fight). I focused on the problem solver vs the problem (the bills, the low self esteem, the issues, the loneliness, etc).  See if ALL I do is focus on what's wrong, I can't see and appreciate the things that are right.  Truth be told if I focus on those things that ARE right( my gifts, talents, loved ones, blessing, etc) I won't have much time to plan and host a pity party.

This week for instance was tough.  I mean the kind of tought that literally made me say "Seriously Lord?? What else do you want from me? Are you trying to crack me ALL the way up?".  And the blows kept coming.  What I learned is... I'M STILL HERE!!!!! Yep if I look at things right now with my natural eyes things look pretty messed up, like "what's the point I may as well give up" messed up, but I am learning more and more not to look at things(circumstances etc) with MY eyes but to look at them through God's eyes.  I am growing more and more every day to put my trust and faith in God and his word.  He has made promises to me and one thing I KNOW is that he is faithful to his promises but I know that I have to do the work, keep my focus right. So today I encourage you, if you are dealing with a rough patch, a tough time, feel there is no way out, to take off YOUR vision and put on HIS vision.  See what he sees and walk in THAT truth.


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