HELP!!!! The dictionary defines this word  as:
 transitive verb
:to give assistance or support to
a :to make more pleasant or bearable :improverelieve
Such a small 4 letter word, yet so powerful. Sometimes asking for help is difficult for many reasons. The person that needs help may not want to be a burden or bring anyone else down.  Perhaps pride is the reason one doesn't ask for help. I myself have difficulty asking for help especially when I am having depressive feelings. Seriously!!! Who wants to hear "everytime I turn around stuff goes wrong". "I can never get ahead or catch a break"? No one! And most people who feel that way, that deal with depression, don't want their "bad vibes" to rub off on anyone else. Sometimes you just suck it up smile, get through the day until you find yourself cracking and crying tears that never seem to come to an end. The more you think positive thoughts, the more 7 negative thoughts or situations appear looking you DEAD in your face. So we hold in all our emotions and we fail to use one simple 4 letter word...HELP. Well today...I ask for your help.  I send up the smoke signal, throw out the "whootiwhoo call" and everything and say "I NEED HELP. 
Today has be challenging. Slight panic moments, breathing was rapid, had to collect myself, not much seemed to help. I've done all my wonderful positive affirmations, praying, meditating, but today I think I just need to vent. Sometimes it's tough. TRUST I don't look like what I've been through or what in GOING THROUGH! I know that in this season I am not alone. There are those that empathize and sympathize with me. Please understand, I'm not looking for anyone to feel "bad" or "sorry" for me. I know just like God has brought me out of countless situations before, he will bring me through these, but I am growing and recognize that I DO NEED HELP! Who can I talk to? You guys!! Those that read my blog, that understand this walk. The ones that encourage me. So just mention me in your prayers tonight of you can. And I will do te same for you. 


  1. I'm praying for you.
    I'm a chronic depressive and I've been this way since I was extremely young.
    Prayer, positive affirmations, and etc have gotten me through a multitude of days.

    Outside of that I have to do practical things as well, eating better, drinking more water, exercising, writing, and allowing myself the space to deal with my feelings.

    Sometimes I think that because we know that we struggle with deppression we invalidate our own feelings about things and chalk it up to illness. Sometimes life just sucks! It rains on the just and the unjust. Sometimes even a person that doesn't struggle with what we go through would feel the exact same way if they were in our situation.

    Whatever the case, you've got this! You will get through this and you have people that love and care for you. You're not alone.


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