Celebrating The Holidays Whole

During the holiday season CAN be partiularly tough for those that battle depression.  You have the beautiful commercials with the handsome man proposing to the woman with a beautiful diamond ring and here you are feeling like you can't even buy a date.  You see the man open the box with keys to a luxury car for Christmas and you can barely afford your new bus pass. You may see the families on TV all loving and smiling and here you are... AGAIN.... ANOTHER holiday... alone.  Well here is something my pastor Dr Trunell Felder reminder us of.  When we look at TV, it doesn't matter if its a commercial or movie and everyone is looking like they have the perfect life, the perfect story, the happy ending.  We must remember that ALL the individuals on telvision are ACTORS.  They are ACTING like they're happy, in love, have it all together, etc.  During this holiday season, in the past has been the WORST. I would cry, have negative thoughts, etc.  Welp, this year I DECIDED that I just wasn't going to do it this year.  Yep I said "decided"!  This holiday season, I choose to give myself the gift of happiness.  Sure, it's sometimes easier said then done when battling deppression, but a punk, I AM NOT so I WILL battle.  When negative thoughts come, I will shut them down with positive ones.  When I consider calling a man " just because" I don't want to be alone, I will remember the horrible relationships of my past and find my confidence that I WILL one day have a loving relationship with the "right man" and embrace my singleness.  When I feel, overweight, unattractive, I will look at my affirmation board(on a good day I made a board of all the good qualities I feel I possess), I will look in the mirror, look MYSELF square in the face and repeat the words and give them life. When I look at my bank account and the numbers aren't QUITE as I would like,  I will give thanks for what God has supplied me with.  I will rejoice in my employment, my home, my family, my clothes, food, etc.  When depression attempts to jump on me, I WILL fight back!!!! WHY? Because I REFUSE to give depression the victory over my life, emotions, attitude another year.  My God is too big for me to allow that. This is the first Thanksgiving that I have not cried.  I decided to laugh, smile, and enjoy this thing called life.  This holiday season, I encourage and challenge you to OVERWHELM yourself with positive thoughts and CHOOSE happiness this season and every season.  Sure, you may have moments that you feel down, but in those moments "check" that depression and negative thoughts at the first sign.  We know, the longer we allow ourselfs to sulk or "marinate" the harder it is for us to shake it. So, today, grab a sheet of paper, poster board, post it, whatever, and identify the positive things about yourself.  If you are having difficulty doing this, ask a friend or loved one( a real one, not the fake and phony negative ones). Write them down and post them by a mirror you look at every day(maybe in the bathroom, or bedroom).  Wake up everyday giving thanks for your positive attributes, blessings, etc and read your positive words to yourself ESPECIALLY when you are starting to feel down.  I encourage you to fill the HOLE in your HOLIdays with positive thoughts, memories, affirmations, and new memories.  For those that are alone this season or have lost loved ones, I especially pray for you.


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