Get Uncomfortable

Many times we want to go through life and everyone wants to live a "comfortable" life.  We want to have a job that we are "comfortable" with, friends that we are "comfortable" enough to be ourselves with. We want our beds, our clothes, and sometimes even our destiny and call in life to be comfortable.  Well I have been that person most of my life.  I went to school but did not follow my passion because I needed to have a job that secure so I would be....(you got it) comfortable. Well what I am learning, through this process called life, is that sometimes, life isn't meant for us to be comfortable.  We have to learn to listen to that still voice(the good one, not the bad one) that says to try something new, to follow a dream, to take a risk.  Choosing to go down this road will probably be uncomfortable. We may fall and we may fall hard but I am a believer that when God gives us dreams and visions, and we put his SUPER with our NATURAL that he can give us the avenues and the proper directions to make those dreams come true and the visions that we may only see in our dreams, he will allow us to one day see them with our natural eyes, but first we have to get UNCOMFORTABLE.
I was sitting the other day realizing that I have gotten into "the rut". On Monday I feel like " Uggggg its Monday" and then Wednesday it's "Oooh only 2 more days til Friday". On Friday "TGIF".  Saturday, Sunday, then back to Monday.  IDK about you, but I'm tired of just existing through this life of mine. I want to live and live out loud.  If you don't like your job and it isn't fulfilling, send out those resumes, network until you get the job in your field that you want.  We can't continue to allow ourselves to stay stagnant.  (Not to get churchy but hey it's kinda who I am) When we think about how uncomfortable Christ was when he died on the cross we have to remember her did that for us.  No one could see with their natural eye how anyone could take such a beating as he did would ever be able to live again.  But it happened.  So if we just trust God (even just a little bit), and we move do something, take a step.  Write the song, apply for the job, start that business. What are you waiting for? This weekend I started writing my one woman show that has been on my heart for a few years now. (I am pretty proud of myself for that.  Sometimes we do have to take baby steps but goodness gracious, TAKE THE STEP! The way I see it, there are things that I have to accomplish and things God has called me to do.  I have no choice but to get uncomfortable and jump.  Even if I fall... at least I moved.


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