Together Forever

This post I'm just sharing my feelings. I have a cousin, well technically we aren't blood related but blood could not make us closer. Our parents grew up, met their spouses, married, lived in the same neighborhood and raised families together. Most of my good memories involved her. We went to church, played, sleep overs, vacations, got in trouble, etc together. Well my cousin has been battling cancer for a bit. Nonetheless she has a positive attitude. Sure she has her days, who wouldn't, but overall she would bring encouragement to us in her faith of healing. This past week the dr gas her news that the cancer has entered her blood. This news has shaken her a bit. She has a husband and children that she is literally fighting to live for. 
I believe that even though the dr says one thing about her diagnosis that God can turn it around. This is what I need from you. I need you to pray for my cousin Angie. Pray not only that God completely heals her, but that she is encouraged and that she never loses her smile. Pray for her family, her support system as they continue to to be there for her. I know depression, I've lived it for less than what my cousin is dealing with and has gone through the passed year or so. 
Even in her sickness she is encouraging and positive and smiling. We can learn from that. We can learn to smile in the midst of physical, mental, emotional pain. We may not understand or even like everything that God allows us to go through, but if we allow his word to speak it WILL be ok.


  1. Monica, we'll be praying for Angie.....May God restore and heal her body completely and give her and the family strength. May she stand strong and radical in her faith today and always.


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