Weather Report

As I looked at my "Timehop" I saw a post I wrote a year ago. The post was written as I watched the news, specifically the weather. It made me think, how many of us plan our day, waredrobe, etc around what the weatherman "predicts"? He says "a chance of rain" we take our umbrella. He says, "1-3 inches of snow" we wear boots. Even if when we look outside and there is NO sign of what the weatherman has predicted, we believe and carry out our day accordingly. What if we had the same faith in God, his promises and his word as we do the weatherman. Would we believe that "by his stripes we are healed" even when the dr report says differently? Will we believe that when we're in trouble "God will part the heavens and come down and grab hold of us" when we are in trouble regardless if there APPEARS to be no way out? Will we believe? When we look at our situations, bills, finances, life, and what we see doesn't match what God has promised us, what his word says about us, WILL WE BELIEVE? Or do we have more faith in a weatherman that makes predictions than we do our God? 


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