Get Your Gloves Up
Ever been in a situation were you feel like you're doing all you know to but "life" still isn't "working" out? I mean your trust God and put in the work(tithing,offerings,active in ministry, faithful) and STILL life keeps giving you that old Mike Tyson 1,2 punch? You bless others, encourage others, and you STILL lack. At this point you want to throw in the towel, cause after all, what's the point right? I mean wants the point of grinding every day if you STILL can't make ends meet? What's the point if you still are unhappy and alone? I mean why continue on? You have no money, fewer friends that support you, and you are alone, you've fasted, prayed, worked and still nothing so WHY GO ON RIGHT???? WRONG!!! You go on because at the end of the day, someone DOES love you, God! I know it doesn't always feel,seem, or look like it, but he does. When we are at our lowest, our brokest( yep made it up), our weakest, we must TRUST that God didn't put us here to fail, suffer, struggle. Even though I'm at a position right now where it LOOKS hopeless(like smh hopeless), LOOKS like I'm a failure,LOOKS like there's no end in sight, I turn to the God of hope. After all what's my other option? To quit life? I've been down that road. That ugly and unpleasant road where I felt ALL hope was gone, and I didn't want to carry on and wanted to just end it all. I survived not for myself, but for my sons. As pitiful as I often thought(and sometimes still think) I am, and as little as I sometimes think I have to give, they need me, the world needs me. The world needs you. God has gifted us all with something. I can remember being in a workshop with Min Rose Harper and she pulled me to the side and spoke to me. She had never met me before this. She told me how precious I was to god and how god has given me soooo many gifts and talents. She expressed how god allows me to go through such fire and I shake it off like its nothing because of my faith. Through the years honestly sometimes I've doubted that. I have wondered HOW can he love me so and I stay broke, I give serve etc and still scraping by life. But I remembered at Sis Rose said. That he trusted me out of all the people in the world with MY gifts. Mine may not be like yours, yours may not be like mine, but we ALL have something, a gift to offer the world, even when we feel we have nothing. We may not always be in the situation that we want to be in but that doesn't negate the fact that we have something God blessed US with to bless others. SO, when you get in your funk(I'm in one now) and you start to doubt, remember you DO have purpose and FIGHT!
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