Living For The Weekend

So, first off I apologize for the missed days. OK... on to business. Those that suffer from depression know and understand that sometimes living while fighting depression can seem a bit like a roller coaster ride.  There are highs that are high and lows that are low.  There are unexpected twist and turn and big drops out of the blue.  Well, I am glad to say that at this moment I am riding high.  There were a few moments this week that I felt "The D" trying to roll up on me, but I was determined to PRESS past it.  When I wanted to cancel plans I didn't.  I kept all scheduled plans and you know what? I had a BLAST.  I had the opportunity this week to attend a big work event where I put on my genuine "happy face".  I met several clients that actually gave me a boost by telling me what a pleasure it's been working with me over the past NBA/ NHL season.  Next, it was time to celebrate my sister-girlfriends birthday(the same one I shared a post about the other day.  Imagine you are downtown Chicago and you see 10 fly ladies walking with black sparkly shirts on. Yep that was us. We were taking pictures, tasting, laughing, talking, (I'm pretty sure there may be a YouTube video that someone took of me River dancing and me and some of the ladies doing an interpretive dance with the band. Don't judge us.), just letting loose.  I felt better than I have in a VERY VERY long time. Just being free and enjoying each other. It was an awesome day.  Today my music family and I participated in our first annual Walk for Lupus.  We walked in memory of our sister-girlfriend Tonya Webb- Montgomery( who I have also written a post about earlier).  We shed just a few tears today but we had mostly smiles, and laughs and jokes, and songs. I discovered others that I know that suffer from this disease and I never really see them complain.  That has reminded me to live life to the fullest.  We only have one.  Seek out our dreams, have fun, laugh.  This weekend I was surrounded by people I really feel genuinely love me and that has fueled and encouraged me.  So from this point forward, I am going to do more.  I'm going to laugh more, branch out more, love more (not be so guarded), smile more, BE HAPPY MORE!  I am LIVING FOR THE WEEKEND BABY!


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