Never be the same

I sometimes have moments that I feel the insecurities, doubts, etc creeping up withing me. My mind begins to replay all the bad things that have happened in my past, and even in my present. This starts me to start to doubt my future. Feeling that it will always be this way. No good thing will come my way. Blah blah Whaaa Whaaa. I have now learned that in THESE moments I rely on Gods truth for my life vs what the past replays or my eyes see. Whatever truth we decide to recite and/or replay is the truth we walk into Depression in some ways can be similar to being an addict. Until YOU decide that YOU are tired of being sick and tired of being depressed, you will continue to be depressed. It's is a daily fight of conscious decisions of healing that will make life a bit easier. We have to be conscious and intentional with our thoughts and feelings.  When negative feelings come we must recognize them and check those suckas at the door. The more we entertain them the more those thoughts set in. If that's true with the negative thoughts, why wouldn't it be the same with the positive? Return your negative thoughts for positive. Even if you don't "feel" or believe them at first eventually they will take root and grow if you water and but care the positive thoughts. I was listening to Tasha Cobbs Never Be The Same and it settled in my spirit. When we ALLOW god in HE will change us if WE let him. I don't know about you but I'm past due for a positive change. I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!! Greater is here! 


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