
Today I attended a memorial service for my sisterfriend, Tonya Webb-Montgomery.  She had a loving spirit outgoing personality and a smile that could light up any room.  She battled lupus for some years, yet through her journey she worked to fight the illness as well as make all she knew and loved (even some she didn't know) healthier and happier.  SHE is a major reason that I started this blog. She taught me that things get tough but fight through it and fight with a smile and "poppin" lip gloss(inside joke Tonya ALWAYS rocked her MAC lip gloss). LOL. Sometimes we find that life strikes blows that eventually make us feel that we are in hopeless situations, that there's no resolve or that we are fragile.  We must breathe deep and remember that no matter how fragile we are, we can still work, study to find to find your triggers, and trust God. There is a song by Tasha Page Lockhart that is awesome.  It discusses the realness of being fragile and having questions for God(and this is perfectly normal I don't care what anyone says). Life is not always fair. We don't always understand. Life does NOT alays feel good. But no matter what comes our way, no matter our struggles, shortcomings, weaknesses, all in all God knows how fragile we are and is always there to catch us when we fall if we let him. Be encourages.


  1. Monica, your transparency is truly going to inspire others to open up and, in so doing; they are going to expel the brokenness, bit by bit. Thank you so much for being open to helping others heal, even as you heal. I am so grateful to GOD that YOU are growing. God wants your undivided attention, sis…My prayer for you is that EVERY distraction will be eliminated and that you will begin to hear the voice of the LORD like never before. I pray that HE would usher you into such an intimate place where only you and HE exist. Ask GOD to show you every broken piece that can only be mended by HIM. Allow HIM to usher you into wholeness, happiness, and healthiness. God has His eye on YOU. God bless you and thank you for your honesty. I am looking forward to reading more.


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