Life Insurance

This morning I was feeling pretty bad, upset, helpless. As I checked my bank balance after I made my sons rent payment yesterday, only to see my account overdrawn after an automatic payment for my life insurance (I forgot about) was taken out this morning. I slowly walked up the stairs and slide down the slide to "why me" lane as I continued to prepare for work and figuring out what I was going to wear. When I handed my train ticket to the conductor he asked if I would like for him to toss my ticket (as he had just punched my last ride) I told him I thought I had one more, which I didn't. I thought GREAT. I have no more rides on the ticket, no money in my account, and only $6 in my pocket as I looked out the window to see a many hand his freshly washed clothes on the fence to dry. As I rode on the bus thinking " how will I ever make it until next payday(NEXT Friday) with $6". I've done all that I know I can do. I tithe, I've done what you've asked, shoot I even went to prayer this week".  As I continued to allow my mind to go a mil miles per hour of "how to fix this" I looked out the window while on the bus to see a box...with a man sleeping in it.  As I continued on the bus on my commute to work, I saw a mattress near a closed store.  God then reminded me, when you found out about your account you were at HOME with 4 walls and a roof. Not only do YOU have a place to lay your head, so does your son...whos in college...playing the sport he loves.  Had you waited until today, you would not have the money in the account to make the payment. You had options of clothes to wear, none of which you had to clean in a public fountain or dry on a fence in the park. You have enough money to get home from work and not be stranded. Don't worry about getting to payday, I will get you there. Your account is in the negative but your life insurance is paid. Literally and spiritually. It was in that moment that I realized that my life isn't like I want, planned, or hoped BUT I'm NOT living in a box, I am blessed and have more than I realize to be grateful for.  MY LIFE INSURANCE IS PAID, regardless of how negative I'VE been. I pray this blesses your perspective.


  1. I definitely needed this. Because I'm hurting. But i am refusing to feed it.

  2. I wrestle with this alot but I keep praying daily for my mind. Thank u Monica!


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