Living For The Weekend

This post will be short and sweet.  This weekend do your best to get up, get out, and do something. It doesn't matter if all you do is meet a friend for coffee or a walk, going to dinner, or just hanging out with some friends.  If you've been in a dark place and can feel yourself slipping reach out to someone that is close to you and share your thoughts and feelings with them. Ask them to pray with and for you. JUST DO SOMETHING! We all know that sitting around and allowing the feelings of depression to linger, will only make it worse. You have the fight in you, and if you feel like you don't, trust in a friend and especially God.  WE can not heal ourselves. We can do the work, but we need the help of God and a support system as well.  Enjoy your weekend and feel free to share your journey with me hear or email me at


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