Love Thy Neighbor

As we look n the world today, there seems to be little compassion for one another. "It's all about me! I'm looking out for number one!" Etc. I look at the bible to see it read to "love thy neighbor as thyself". It may appear that people aren't keeping his commandment, but what I'm learning is that many people ARE loving their neighbor as they love themselves. The issue is people don't really love themselves because they don't or can't see who God made them to be. They suffer from low self esteem, low self worth, self respect etc so HOW can they give that to someone else? If we really want to make a change? We need to start with ourselves, the man in the mirror. We need to start seeing ourselves with God's eyes, as HE sees us, as HE created us. Fall in love with YOU!!!! Perhaps then we can properly learn to love thy neighbor. 


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