I Need Love

The recent death of Robin Williams has increased the awareness of depression.  Who would have thought that Robin Williams, the man that brought so many of us laughter, would be depressed? Actually, if you look at a setting, the person who is "the life of the party", the funniest often times may be suffering from depression.  When I am not "in my hole(as I call it)", and I bring myself to socialize and interact, in someways, I become a different person.  It's somewhat like therapy,(which is probably why I love to act so much). At that moment I have NO worries, No cares, and believe it or not, I get relief by making others smile and laugh and have a good time.  Often what I dish out, is what I GREATLY need myself.  When I "love on others" by sending text, making calls etc just to say "I love you", "I appreciate you", that is generally what I am in need of.  I can NOW admit that I need love, I desire love. Real love, TRUE love.  Not just a filler that is portraying love, but genuine love.  Not just the love of a significant other, but love of friends and family.  I am learning to be honest with myself and not fear rejection by saying I need love.  We all do.


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